Supplier Forms

Allison Transmission provides important information and documents to assist you through the processes and procedures for working with us as a valued supplier partner. We’ve provided purchasing, packing, supplier quality, general procedure forms, manuals and much more to make your partnership with us as easy and clear as possible.

To find and download key Allison Supplier documents or forms, please search below.

Purchasing, Supplier Quality, Packaging + Logistic Forms

Allison Transmission Procurement Information Booklet (PIB), Certifications & Representation forms (AT-10198D, AT-10198-3) and DPAS Accept form (AT-101240) should be submitted via email to

Purchasing Related Forms

Procurement Information Booklet (PIB)

1. AT-10198A Business Information
2. AT-10198B Company Profile
3. AT-10198C Instructions for PIB
4. AT-10198D Certifications & Representations
5. AT-10198E DOE Certifications & Representations
6.  AT-10198K  Vendor Information Change & Completion Checklist
7. AT-10198-3 Received and Acknowledged

Request for Quote (RFQ)

1. 11355 RFQ Company Profile Questionnaire
2. AT-1804/1810 Supplier Piece Cost Breakdown Worksheet & Production Tooling Cost Line-Up


1. AT-9837 Government Property Special Tooling
2. AT-101127 Tool and Gauge Guidelines
3. AT-101127-1
Exhibit I, Tool & Gage

Additional Conditions Applicable to Contracts Issued Under U.S. Govt.

1. AT-315G U.S. Military Contracts
2. AT-315E
3. AT-101240 DPAS Accept Certification
4. AT-101243 Specialty Metals Certification

Access Management + Onboarding

1. AT-101192 Supplier Citizenship Certifications & Instructions Letter

Purchase Contract Related

1. F11097 Engineering Specification Revision Listing
2. AT-101249 Engineering Source Approval for Functional Performance
3. ATI 1638 Construction Terms & Conditions
4. T&C Standard Terms & Conditions

Important Process Reminders on Supplier Initiated Requests for Tool Moves + Process or Material Changes

1. AT-101224 Response Letter to the Initial Request for Tool Move & Manufacturing Relocation
2. AT-101224-PMC Response Letter to the Initial Request for Process or Material Changes

Supply Chain Risk Assessment

1. AT-101487 Supplier Financial Assessment Form
Transportation, Packaging Requirements + Forms
Returnable Container Manual

Click link below to download:

Returnable Container Manual