
Global Service Information

As the premier provider of fully automatic transmissions, Allison Transmission is dedicated to providing the highest quality service and care for our customers around the world.

Whether you’re looking for information on diagnostics or service tools, you’d like to read a technical publication or you’re interested in training details, we have what you’re looking for.


When it comes to diagnostics or preventative maintenance, Allison DOC Universal is critical to making the right call. Allison has developed DOC Universal to meet technicians’ needs, allowing them to monitor and review all control systems critical to your transmission operations. Learn more >>


To insure every aspect of our service system is working to peak efficiency, Allison provides all our technicians with the right tools specified for your Allison Automatic, as well as extensive knowledge database through our online service tools portals. Learn more >>


Allison is dedicated to providing our customers and technicians with the latest technical information and resources. To ensure our Allison Authorized facilities are equipped with the latest knowledge, we provide global service information through technical publications. Learn more >>