Transit + City Bus

For more than 100 years, Allison Transmission has been leading the charge in innovative propulsion solutions. No matter your fleet—conventional diesel, CNG, electric hybrid or fully electric—you can trust Allison to drive you into the future.

We know every route is important, so each product that comes off our line delivers the industry’s most reliable customer support network. No matter your needs, we’ll be there every mile.

Electrifying the Future

Allison is passionate about moving transit technology forward and rethinking ways to evolve vehicles into full electrification. From our proven conventional and H 40/50 EP™ electric hybrid transmissions to our revolutionary eGen Flex™ electric hybrid and expanding fully electric axle technologies, we’re determined to provide our cities with innovative propulsion solutions. Your fleet can achieve greater range, fewer emissions, increased power, more time on the road and industry-leading durability and reliability. If you’re ready to drive into the future, do it with an Allison.

Unmatched Transit Commitment

  • 9,000 Allison Hybrids delivered worldwide
  • Serving 230 cities
  • Present in 43 states in the USA
  • 2.6 billion miles of reliable operation
  • 305 million gallons of fuel saved
  • 3 million metric tons of CO2 emissions prevented
  • Trusted around the globe, made in the USA
  • First to launch an electric hybrid solution for both articulated and non-articulated buses
  • Only propulsion partner with solutions available for diesel, natural gas and electric hybrid buses


Discover the Allison Advantage

Download our City Bus brochure.